Smart Production Planning Platform

Use the modern Job Management Solution for Shopfloor and automate the Production Scheduling Process.

Create Complex Production Workflows like Flow Charts

Create Production Workflows like the Flowcharts. Run 'what-if' scenarios to improve Production Efficiency.

Smart Work Order Management on Kypeco's Agile Board

Pull Jobs from ERP System

Integrate with your ERP system and fetch Jobs to the WorkOrder Planning Software.

Use Smart Scheduler

Create workflows and drag-n-drop jobs to the lines. Analyse the best schedule for improved OEE.

Optimize Job Workflow

Optimize your production workflow with the smart work order algorithms to minimize the Takt Time.

Write back updates to the ERP

Keep your ERP as the source of truth and write back real-time updates from the Shopfloor.

Real-time Jobs Planner for Agile Manufacturing on the Shopfloor

Production Scheduling Software for Manufacturing

Automate Scheduling

Automate Scheduling

Automate scheduling with AI-powered algorithms to optimize resource allocation and reduce lead times.

Maximize Productivity

Maximize Productivity

Maximize productivity with real-time updates and status tracking to improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Streamline Maintenance

Shopfloor Connectivity

Release a schedule and update the Shopfloor Board in real-time. Workforce is always up to date with the plan.

Plan smarter with Agile scheduling, interactive visualizations, and flexible planning options.

Agile Jobs Scheduler:
Connected with the ERP and the Digital Shopfloor Production Boards.
Get real-time updates every time.

Modern Agile Boards for Jobs Management like a SCRUM board for Shopfloor

Agile Board
for Smart Scheduling

Simplify your production scheduling with agile board scheduling that allows you to easily manage and prioritize jobs on-the-go.

A calendar style Work Order management

Calendar for
Jobs Scheduling

Stay on top of your Shopfloor production schedule with a calendar-style visualization that provides a clear overview of your work orders and deadlines.

Gantt style visualization for Work Order Management for production managers

Gantt Board
For Jobs Planning

Plan and run the schedule with ease using a Gantt-style planning feature that enables you to create and manage jobs, dependencies, and timelines.

Stylish spreadsheets for shopfloor production planning for operations managers

ERP Integration
For JOb Planning

Get even more flexibility with our spreadsheet-style scheduling feature that allows you to view, edit, and update your jobs in a familiar, intuitive format.


Mobile Application for Job Scheduling

Manage WorkOrder Schedule on Smart Apps - Android and iOS.

Kypeco mobile phone MES application for OEE monitoring
Kypeco mobile phone MES application for Work Order Management

Use historical and real-time data to Discover the Best Line for the Job

Kanban and Agile Jobs Dashboards for Shopfloor

Discover best production line for SKU in Kypeco MES

Run What If Scenarios

Dry-run the production schedule and analyse the bottlenecks.

Predict the production

Create the best production plan by predicting it's outcome.

Optimize Scheduling

Optimize the Job scheduling process and improve capacity.

Centralized MOnitoring

Use the insights to plan for line upgrades and future investments.

A centralized WorkOrder Planning Platform for Production Planners and Shopfloor Workforce to collaborate.


Level Insights


Level Insights




Rate Insights





Provide the Best Software Platform to your Production Planning Team

Production Schedule and Lead Time with Smartness

Gantt style work order schedule visualization in modern solutions

Historical Production Data Loop

Analyze your production lines to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and gain valuable insights that inform your work order scheduling decisions.

Find Best Production Lines

With data-driven insights, schedule work orders on the production lines that are best suited for the job, optimizing efficiency and productivity.

Gain High Throughput

Optimize your manufacturing process with smart work order scheduling, reducing downtime and increasing overall efficiency.


To Import Work Orders from the ERP system.

No manual entry. A few clicks to convert jobs backlog to Smart Production Schedule!

Schedule WorkOrders on Machines with the Intelligence of Machine Learning.

Machine Learning in Production scheduling

Modern MES
for WorkOrder Planning

Automation and ML algorithms, enables intelligent scheduling based on line efficiency and historical data. Kypeco facilitates scheduling based on the machine's ability to manufacture specific SKU, further improving efficiency and reducing downtime.

Transform your manufacturing process with smart work order scheduling with ease and experience the smooth operations.

Machine Learning for Jobs

A Smart Scheduling
Smart Phone App

Available both on Android and iOS - phone and tablets to keep you connected with Shopfloor


Easy-to-use Scheduler

Smart phone app to manage work orders on Shopfloor

Find best lines to run the job

Maximizes the use of resources and ensures that the most important tasks are completed first.

Prioritize Jobs based on Logics

Prioritizing work orders using real-time data helps meet production deadlines and deliveries.

Auto Update Jobs in the ERP for transparency

with ERP System

Say goodbye to the hassles of manual work-order entry and embrace the ease of a modern platform! Integrating existing ERP or E-commerce systems with our platform is a breeze - all your work orders can be imported automatically or within a few clicks.

Say Goodbye to End-of-Shift Paperwork Nightmares! Stop the pain of manual reporting and make end-of-shift a breeze.

One Shift - 8 hours or 12 hours

Optimize Workflow.
Increase Productivity.

Improve operational efficiency by optimizing the time and sequencing of work-orders.

<1 min

To Import Work Orders

integration with ERP system to the agile board jobs management

Create Standard Procedures (SOP)

Meet production goals by emphasizing standardization and optimizing the workflows.

Start Agile Manufacturing

Get feedback on a loop to drive continuous improvement on work orders for better outcomes.

The best production insights you need from the running jobs are available on the real-time WorkOrder Dashboard.

Integration of manufacturing environment with Kypeco Platform ecosystemIntegration of manufacturing environment with Kypeco Platform ecosystem


Data points




Production Board Dashboards


of Reports



Use the power of Machine Learning in WorkOrder Planning and Scheduling

Modern Production Scheduling Software with integrated Shopfloor Intelligence

Streamline work order management, reduce errors, and drive efficiency with our advanced Smart Work Order Management solution designed for modern manufacturers.

A modern platform on Web, Mobile and Tablets to provide you the best experience of smart software in manufacturing.

Integrate with ERP

Integrate with your ERP system to pull the open Work Orders and seamlessly schedule them to the production lines. Update the Job status in the ERP or in Warehouse Management System.

Smart watch app to check jobs updates

Real-time WO Updates

Access real-time work order status, enabling rapid response to changes and improved decision-making. Keep the sales team up to date with the Shopfloor activities, without writing emails.


Automate work order assignment, and tracking to increase overall Shopfloor efficiency.

Smart app for tablet to monitor work orders on shopfloor


Accommodate unique Shopfloor requirements with our customizable work order management solution.

WorkOrder Analytics

Bespoke smart app on tablets for Shopfloor

Leverage powerful analytics to identify trends, optimize processes, and drive continuous improvement.

Simplify Your Work Order Planning with Modern MES

Smart Solution for Smart Jobs Management

Our smart work order management solution streamlines your work order processes, reduces errors, and increases productivity. Contact us to learn how it can benefit your manufacturing operations.

Optimize your work order management with our smart solution. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to a new level of efficiency.

Get started with Digital Manufacturing Solution - Kypeco